Your pets still need to do their business, even when you opt for installing synthetic turf in your yard. If it looks and smells familiar, chances are they will use it. If your synthetic lawn is at the front of your property and easily accessible other animals may also use it. Therefore it is important to know exactly how to clean artificial turf. Here is how to prevent and treat artificial grass pet odours effectively. 

A lot of the time people select artificial turf installation due to the wide range of benefits, including lower maintenance. It is definitely a great option and has plenty of advantages over natural grass. You neither have to mow nor fertilise it or even worry about regular weeding. If that wasn’t enough to persuade you, fake grass also looks pristine year round, adding a nice aesthetic to your lawn.

Cleaning up after pets is part and parcel of owning them. Even cleaning up after your pets is easier than the maintenance it takes to preserve the health and look of real grass. There are two essential things that you should do to remove pet urine from synthetic grass, clean the urine and remove the urine odour. The urine scent must be removed to prevent a noticeable odour when the temperature increases. 

Removing Urine

Much like the usual maintenance associated with artificial grass, rain is the optimal cleaner. If you notice your pet, such as your dog, prefers to do their business in a particular spot on your lawn, you may want to throw a bucket of water over that area. This will rinse it down the urine smell, but if your dog is persistent you can add a small amount of vinegar to the water. This should get rid of the smell of dog urine from your lawn. 

Treating Urine Odour

One of the benefits, for pet owners, of removing pet urine from artificial turf is that these methods tend to also remove the odour as well. Baking soda and water or vinegar and water are effective ways to remove urine and odour. If the smell is particularly strong, you can coat the area in either of these solutions and allow it to sit for an hour or so, before hosing down the area. There are also a number of companies that sell artificial grass cleaners.

Handy Hints

Train Your Dog

You may want to train your pets to use a certain area on your lawn to their business. There are a few ways to do this. Create a specific area away from the lawn using mulch, crushed rocks or gravel. A special post can also be purchased from pet stores that give of pheromones, which attract your pets to pee in certain areas. Then train your dog to do their business around that area and if you have a food driven pet you may also want to reward them with treats. 


Keeping your pets well hydrated will lessen the smell of urine, including dog pee. Making sure your animals have adequate access to water throughout the day will keep them hydrated. This will lower the strength of urine and prevent damage to your artificial lawn when your pets do their business. 

Install A Fence 

Yes, this may be another cost but it is a great investment to protect your artificial turf. This will keep other peoples animals off your property and can also limit the access of your own. This also means that passers-by walking their dogs can’t allow their pets to utilise your lawn as a bathroom. 

These are some of the key steps you can take to prevent and treat artificial grass pet odours. If you have any further questions about synthetic grass installation at your property or additional products you can use to protect synthetic lawn contact the friendly team at Coastal Synthetic Turf. Aiden is highly experienced in installing artificial turf and landscaping and has the ability to help your vision come to life.