Is Artificial Grass Safe For Your Family

One of the most common concerns that people have when considering artificial grass is whether it is a safe option for their children and pets. 

It is completely natural to be concerned about safety when considering anything new and artificial. We generally tend to believe natural options are safer, but rest assured, artificial grass is a completely safe option for your children and pets.

There are many factors that make synthetic turf safe, let’s break them down.  

Super Soft

Artificial grass feels almost identical to real grass, except without the spiky weeds and prickles. 

Our artificial grasses let you leave behind the memories of tear-filled eyes while you pull a prickle out of your child’s foot. 

The lack of weeds and prickles makes artificial turf infinitely softer and safer. Your kids and pets can roll around and play barefoot without any discomfort.

Allergy and Insect Free

One of the best things about synthetic turf is that it is allergy free, due to the lack of pollen, dust and mites that can set off hayfever allergies and leave rashes on your children’s bodies. 

Synthetic turf is also a great bug deterrent as it doesn’t offer any of the nutrient value that natural grass does. So, no more bees, fleas or mites to cause painful or itchy marks that last for days. This is great for your kids and your pets.

Chemical Free

When caring for natural grass you need to use harsh chemicals such as weed killers and fertilisers, neither of which are good for the environment or your family. 

Synthetic grass, on the other hand, doesn’t require any chemicals. It’s completely free of heavy metals, harmful chemicals and pesticides, making it safe for children and pets. 

No Mess

Our fake grasses are quick drying due to the amazing draining features that ensure rain, spills and even pet urine drain away efficiently.  Also, with the lack of dirt, there is no mud, so gone are the days of wet, muddy kids and pets running through the house leaving dirty footprints and damaging all your furniture. 

Any messes left by your pets or kids are easy to clean up, just hose it down and let the water drain away, or wipe the surface with a towel. 

Our high quality synthetic turfs are also highly durable so your pets won’t be able to excavate an escape route through them or kick dirt everywhere.

Low Maintenance

This is the absolute best thing about artificial turf: it’s low maintenance. While this isn’t exactly a direct benefit or safety for your children or pets, it does mean you’ll free up more time to spend with them. 

Artificial turf doesn’t require mowing, edging, watering or weeding. All you need to do is hose it down or sweep it if it gets dirty. 

We guarantee you will love the lack of maintenance, and your family will love the extra time they get to spend with you because of it.

Explore Your Options Today

High quality artificial grass is the safest lawn option for your children and pets. As well as being the easiest and least time consuming for you to maintain. 

Artificial grass does require professional installation though, so talk to our knowledgeable team today to learn more about this option and get the ball rolling. Explore our range of turf products or contact us to protect and free up more time for your family today.