Looking for some FIFA quality grass for your soccer field and tossing up between natural turf or a synthetic turf field? This may not be the World Cup but having a sports field that offers high-quality playing experience is key. When it comes to football pitches choosing the type of playing surface can be a decision not to take lightly. 

Artificial turf has become increasingly popular in the sports industry due to a lengthy list of benefits. There are lots of aspects to consider when selecting the type of turf for your sporting club, school or playing fields. These include weather conditions, costing involved, maintenance, safety and versatility. 

So let’s put natural grass and synthetic turf head to head and find out which will prevail in the search for the optimum choice. 

Weather Permitting

After moderate to heavy rainfall, artificial turf systems do not turn to mud like natural grass. Synthetic grass has all-weather capabilities that make it ideal for the South East Queensland climate. 

Artificial surfaces do not sustain damage when played on in the rain and therefore it will not be replaced between the football seasons. Weather conditions can greatly affect football leagues that play on natural grass. With this in mind, synthetic grass is the optimum choice for unpredictable weather conditions.

Maintenance And Cost

Whilst the initial cost of synthetic turf is higher than natural grass, the upkeep is much less per year. Synthetic grass boasts low maintenance in comparison to natural turf. Natural grass requires watering, fertilising, pest control, seeding and mowing whereas synthetic grass requires considerably less upkeep. This includes brushing, watering and fertilisation.

Artificial turf saves a vast amount of water each year. Did you know that an average playing field uses up to 50,000 gallons of water per week? Therefore synthetic grass cuts down your water usage and also greatly reduces the cost.

Many types of artificial turf are designed to accommodate more than one sport, which adds versatility to your sporting space. This provides you with more value at a lower cost. Marking options can be implemented for up to four sports. With one installation being all that you will need there are plenty of savings to be had in this area as well. 

Installing and looking after artificial fields is less expensive than natural grass in the long run. With lower maintenance costs and less work to do artificial turf is the obvious winner when it comes to the maintenance factor.

Safety Features

Synthetic playing fields are designed to provide the highest quality safety features for all players. The even surface without grooves and bumps means tumbles are unlikely to cause severe damage from the fall itself. 

The shock pads beneath the turf work to reduce the impact of injuries. This lowers the risk of long-term damage no matter what age the players are. No matter what the conditions are, players are able to enjoy a safe and consistent game. 

In contrast to this natural turf doesn’t offer the same protection or peace of mind that synthetic grass does. Higher rates of injuries are recorded when playing sport on natural grass. This can be due to uneven surfaces, slipping or skidding. 

After unpredictable weather spells natural grass can turn into slippery mud that can cause serious injuries to players. Grass can also get torn up during rough play and can turn into potholes and uneven playing surface. This again can lead to further injuries being endured by players. 

If you are looking for a football pitch that is as safe as possible we would recommend looking into installing artificial grass. Our team will assist you in every step of the process. Obtain a quote from us today to experience endless fun on the field.

Recovery Time

Artificial turf can endure over 500 hours of consistent play, events or tournaments. This means that events will not need to be cancelled or postponed due to the condition of the turf. With natural grass, the field will need time to rest after use for the turf to recover. 

Synthetic grass is much more durable than natural grass and can be played on all the time. It gives sporting groups the opportunity to practice their skills consistently and improve their ability. 

On the other hand, natural turf needs time to recover after rainfall. Heavy rainfall can damage natural grass. Playing one match on a muddy field can ruin the playing field for the rest of the football season.

If you have limited space to play synthetic turf is ideal so that no games have to be missed or rescheduled. Artificial grass is incredibly versatile and offers optimum endurance compared to natural turf. 

Fair Play

During the manufacturing process of synthetic turf, each section of grass is made to be exactly the same. This is something that you do not receive with natural grass. Often it can be uneven which can affect the ability of the player and even the speed of the ball.

Artificial grass provides consistency on the field and even allows players more control over the pitch. This is due to each piece of turf being identical and having an even finish. The crumb rubber gives the artificial turf a more natural texture and players will feel as though they are playing on regular grass.

When deciphering between natural vs artificial football turf it is important to take all of the factors discussed into consideration. Although the outlay cost of artificial turf may be higher than natural grass the long term benefits are superior.

When it comes to turf that is weather-resistant, easy to maintain, cost-effective and safe synthetic grass is the clear winner in our eyes. We understand the benefits that artificial turf provides when playing sports. That is why we offer and install the ideal synthetic grass for all of your football field requirements.

Our synthetic turf is renowned for its high quality and durability across the globe. From Australia to the United States it is utilised to provide the optimum playing experience. Not only professionally but also at club and school level. It is a great option for beginners up to professional FIFA football leagues.

If you would like more information on the benefits of artificial grass for sporting clubs and schools or would like to get a quote contact us.